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Maharaja Chatrasaal Bundela

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Rashtra Kavi Maithili Sharan Gupt

Major Dhyanchand

Dr. Hari Singh Gaur

Osho Rajneesh

Mahrishi Mahesh yogi

Shri Vrindavan Lal Verma

Indiver Ji

Asgari-Bai-Dhrupad Singer

Website Launch
on 28.01.2010 at IIC,
New Delhi
Shri Jagannath Singh, I.A.S.(Retd.)

अपना बुंदेलखंड डॉट कॉम परिवार के सदस्यों को "रामनवमी" की शुभकामनायें। राम जिन्होंने बुंदेलखंड के चित्रकूट क्षेत्र में संकल्प लिया कि "निश्चर हीन महि करूँ , भुज उठाहि प्रण (Read More)

 Long Term

B. Long term

1.              Long term strategy consists of professionally designed integrated participatory treatment of watersheds from ridge to valley system. Treatment of forest, non-arable and arable land should be unified into a common plan.

2.              About 46% of net sown area of Uttar Pradesh and 45% of Madhya Pradesh Bundelkhand is irrigated with poor and erratic supplies. Ground water over utilization is predominant and open dug-wells provide much needed but non-dependable equity. Recharging of open dug-wells can yield quick results.

3.              On an average 31% of replenishable or utilizable ground water   have been developed. The remaining major part (69%) has  very low yield due to typical hydrogeology of Bundelkhand. Mostly open dug-wells are suitable for future expansion of  irrigation under such poor geo-hydrological situations.

4.              Left Bank Canal at Bariyarpur of Madhya Pradesh should be expedited and Right Bank Canal taken up on priority basis.

5.              Taking up of Ken-Betwa Link Project under National Scheme will be a dependable long term measure of mitigating droughts.

6.              The Madhya Pradesh part of Bundelkhand should invest for developing surface water resources by efficient systems right  from the beginning and simultaneous development of command area to ensure quick flow of returns.

7.              In situ conservation of rainwater, contour cultivation, sowing on ridges or raised beds especially in black soils can raise productivity by 15-20% at reduced risks.

8.              Seed multiplication and creation of seed banks of traditionally  drought resistant crops and varieties of sesame, linseed, lentil, chickpeas and dual purpose Bundela Sorghum is least priority of  private sector and public sector should be geared up.

9.              Seed replacement rate of pulses, oil seed and cereals with latest improved varieties may be doubled.

10.     Long term measures of increasing sown area in Kharif Season  need systematic and committed efforts. Some of limitation of  Kharif cultivation in black soils can be tackled by making raised beds and weed  control with herbicides.

11.         There is 30-40% yield gap and several suggestions on  rotation, seed banks, marketing, intensification or diversification  are made.

12.         Intensification of the existing major four livestock production system has been recommended.

13.         Cattle constitute 52% of animal population and only 0.5% is crossbred as compared to 15% of national average. Breed improvement with Tharparkar, Haryana and Murraha bulls is  necessary.

14.         Goat rearing especially of Jamnapari and Barberi is most  economical.

15.         Liquidation of animal assets is a normal practice of coping with  drought and was observed in Bundelkhand also. Providing  consumption credit at reasonable interest can avoid distress  sale of animals.

16.         Castration of scrub bulls to reduce population of  unproductive animals should be a long term measure.

17.         Marketing of milk through Private-Producer and Consumer  institutions can add to the value, income and employment.

18.         Setting up of a modern processing plant for meat, milk and  animal related by products can improve benefits            tremendously.

19.         Productivity of forest resources should be improved through watershed management, planting fodder trees, shrubs and  grasses to support animal husbandry.

20.         Early bearing grafted Tamarind, pomegranate, fig (Anjir), guava and mango are quite hardy after their initial            establishment and may be planted.

21.         Drought tolerant tomatoes (Arka Vikas), rainfed onion, coriander, turmeric, ginger, beetle leaves have specific niche or  micro region in the Bundelkhand.

22.         Minor forest produce of Tendu leaves, Palas leaves, Bamboo,  Mahua, Chiraunji, Ber, Bael, Amla, Neem, medicinal plants and  honey provide livelihood to local communities and may be  promoted.

23.         About 58% of credit was raised at high rate of interest from  non-institutional sources. Cooperative Banks served only 7% of  loans and that too to the large farmers only. Services of Kisan Credit Card should be enhanced.

24.         Credit cycle in rainfed region should automatically switch over to two or three years under specified failures of rains.

25.         Livelihood in rainfed region is highly diversified and credit  against total income portfolio may be devised.

26.         In order to prevent diverting of crop loans for other purposes  consumptions loan should also be introduced.

27.         Weather based insurance (Barsha Bima) may take away some  drawbacks of existing insurance system.

28.         Almost 100% of fertilizers, seeds, agro-chemicals, farm implements and animal feeds were purchased from private  dealers and 90% of farmers sell some produce. Modern market  converging sale of farm produce, purchase of inputs, warehousing, sample testing services,  extension and electronic display system etc. should be set up            under     one roof of a modern market.

29.         Bundelkhand region should announce procurement prices at  sowing time of pulses, oil seeds and cereals which are unique to this  agro-ecology.

30.         Special institutional arrangements like that of Sujala Watershed  of  Karnataka have been advocated to converge different resources  and  capacities for implementing package.

31.         Strengthening of Agriculture College at Tikamgarh (MP) and upgrading IGFRI, Jhansi of ICAR to     "Deemed University" is recommended.

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